Do you own a foldable electric bike? Maybe, it’s time for you to take your first bike commute. Read on to learn more about it!
On your drive to work, have you ever noticed a cyclist commuting to work and admired that person? Maybe, you think it would be cool to ride the best folding electric bike to the office?
Perhaps it's crossed your mind that bike commuting not only helps the environment and saves gas money, but it can also help you stay fit and healthy and burn a few extra calories.
There never seems to be an excellent time to start, despite the apparent benefits of biking to work. Why not begin now, then? Even a tiny amount of commuting is preferable to none at all.
Here are 13 starting points to get you moving and take your first bike commute.
1. Begin with an achievable distance on a bike commute
If you live only a few miles from work, it is conceivable that you can commute both ways on the first day. Consider sharing a ride with a coworker to get to the office and then riding home if you live a distance away and your bike commute will take 45 to 60 minutes or longer. Make the distance manageable for yourself; don't concern yourself with what others may be doing.

2. Always start with a feasible frequency
Sure, it sounds good that you're making a fresh start and have lofty goals for your daily commute. But is that objective immediately attainable? Decide to bike commute one to three times per week to start. Add more commute days or segments consistently once you can do so.
3. Put a helmet on
You want to safeguard your head and all those brilliant ideas in the unlikely event of an accident. Bring a brush or comb to the office if you're concerned about how your locks will look after the commute.

4. Dress in a way that makes you visible to drivers
Put a flashing tail light on your fold up electric bike and wear reflective clothing if you bike commute in the early morning or late evening. Wear bright, easily recognisable colours when commuting during the day.
Put a flashing tail light on your bike and wear reflective clothing if you bike commute in the early morning or late evening. Wear bright, easily recognisable colours when commuting during the day.

5. Don't make a big deal out of wearing unique clothing or equipment
You might be able to travel in your work clothes depending on how far your bike commute is. Some commutes resemble workouts more than others, while others are more relaxed.
6. Think about cycling shorts
Cycling shorts will probably make you feel more comfortable if your bike commute lasts longer than 20 or 30 minutes. Cycling shorts do away with the seam intersection right where you sit on the bike seat.
Pressure and friction can make this area extremely uncomfortable when cycling long distances. Without underwear, cycling shorts can significantly enhance your comfort.
7. On the weekend, conduct a dry run for your bike commute
Do a dry run on the weekend if you're worried about how long it will take you to get to work. Riding at a relaxed pace will allow you to pick up the pace if you find yourself pressed for time.
8. Look for routes with little traffic
Finding less-travelled roads may add a little time to your bike commute, but it might be worthwhile. Look into any nearby bike paths to see if they would be a good option.

9. Acquire flat-changing skills
Learn to change a flat tire if you don't already know how to do it.
Keep a cell phone with you and call for assistance if you experience severe mechanical issues. On the way to work, it's okay if you have time to fix a flat tire or attend to other mechanical issues.
Call someone to give you a ride if you're short on time. A coworker will likely approach you because there's a good chance that you'll be on the road before anyone else.

10. The day before your commute, wear your clothes to work
Bring your clothes to work the day before your ride if you intend to commute in cycling gear and then change into work attire.
11. Plan out how you will tidy up before work
Some commuters may desire a thorough shower before sitting next to coworkers. Alternatively, could it be that the commuter's coworkers want him to take a shower?
In either case, good commuters can take a shower at work. If so, use a chamois towel to dry off rather than carrying a full-sized bath towel (chamois towels are popular among swimmers). If you don't have a shower, you can give yourself a "spit bath" in the bathroom with a washcloth and soap.
Some commuters will take a shower the evening before their commute, choosing instead to use a moist towel to at least clean off their body.

12. Keep an eye out for parked car doors opening
Pay attention to any parked cars by the side of the road. Keep an eye out for anyone who might be about to open the car door if they are in the car. They might not be looking for you as you approach on a bicycle from behind.
You might feel like you want more once you plan out ways to succeed on that first bike commute. Even committed commuters had to start somewhere. I know frequent bike commuters do it because they enjoy it so much personally.
Are you looking for a foldable electric bike? The eelo 1885 EXPLORER Electric is ideal for train commuters, caravanners, motorhome owners, or boating enthusiasts. Take the hard work out of cycling and avoid the sweat with electric biking.
promptly if you are considering purchasing a new folding e bike but are unsure which type to buy.